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Magic mushrooms

Where to fine your Magic Mushrooms products

Psilocybin or psilocin are two chemicals found in magic mushrooms, sometimes referred to as shrooms or mushrooms. You experience hallucinations, which are when you see, hear, and feel things that are not real.
Magic mushrooms can be found in powder, dried, or fresh form. Psilocybin powder can be injected (using a needle) or inhaled (snorted).In addition, magic mushroom can be boiled with food, drunk as a tea, or mixed into fruit juice.

By participating in a research study or obtaining special permission from Health Canada with their doctor’s support, an individual can legally take psilocybin. Otherwise, it is prohibited in Canada to cultivate, market, or transport magic mushroom.

Short-term effects

Each person is affected differently by magic mushroom based on a variety of factors, including: how much you take; where you are; what you expect; your age and weight; what you’ve had to eat at the same time; your past and present substance use; and your personality. ‏
About half an hour after taking magic mushrooms, you can start to feel their effects. The effects peak (bear their greatest) during the first three to four hours and last roughly three to six hours.

You can alter your senses of taste, touch, smell, hearing, and vision with magic mushrooms. You might believe, for instance, that you can hear colors or see music. Your body may feel extremely light or extremely heavy. It’s possible that you’re experiencing a mystical or spiritual encounter.

  • When using magic mushrooms, you may additionally‏

    have a high pulse rate
    possess a quicker heart rate
    experience lightheadedness or vertigo, shiver, and chills
    feel apprehensive, experience nausea or vomiting, and have numb lips and tongue

Long-term effects

Flashbacks are one of the long-term effects of magic mushrooms. This is what happens when a negative trip resurfaces when you’re not using.

Combining alcohol or other drugs with mushrooms can increase your risk of developing additional health issues.

Tolerance and dependence

After taking magic mushroom daily for as little as three or four days, you can develop a tolerance to them. To get the same effects as the first time, you will therefore need to take progressively more.

You can become completely tolerant to magic mushrooms if you use them for multiple days in a row.‏

Regular use of magic mushroom can lead to mental dependence on the effects they produce.

Bad trip

The effects of magic mushroom can be overwhelming and scary, called a bad trip. If someone is having a bad trip, try to help them with calm reassurance in a quiet area. It is OK to call 911 for help and the Poison and Drug Information Service for advice. If you’re concerned about your or someone else’s magic mushroom use, or you want to learn more about substance use, call the Addiction and Mental Health Helpline, any time of the day or night.